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BankSA Credit Card: safe place for your money

Bank SA Credit Card is low rate credit card with extra benefits for its users. Transact any amount with secure payment method and get extra rewards.

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BankSA Credit Card

BankSA was previously known as The Bank of South Australia and is responsible for the BankSA Credit Card. BankSA is a subsidiary bank of Westpac. This bank was founded in 1848 as The Saving Bank of South Australia. This bank provides personal, business, and corporate banking services for the people of Australia.


Bank SA has gone through many transformations in the previous years, and the owners understand the future of banking is in digital banking. Hence, they introduced the BankSA Credit Card for the people of Australia to enjoy different facilities quickly. Keep reading our article to know more details and get more information.

BankSA Credit Card benefits and features

BankSA Credit Card is very beneficial for the customers of BankSA. It provides a Low variable interest rate of 13.99% p.a. on purchases. The Balance Transfers fee of this credit card has a 0% interest rate for 32 months and a 0% balance transfer fee. After that, it came out as a 21.49 percent p.a. cash advance rate.


The Annual credit card charges are $0 for the first year and $55 per year after the first year. This credit card also gives an interest-free year on shopping for the first year after card issuance. This card is charging low amounts from its customers. BankSA Credit Card is bringing cashback offers for its consumers.

BankSA Credit Card

At certain supermarkets, such as Coles, Cha-ching, Woolworths, Harris Farm, IGA, and Aldi, you can get 5% cashback on your grocery shopping (up to $400 total cashback). Through a credit card’s quick balance offer, You can transfer specific amounts to specific people on the spot. To check your last 10 transactions from the previous 14 days, go to Quick Balance.


It’s an excellent method to keep control of your expenditures and check your latest activities quickly. You purchased a new refrigerator, bicycle, or vacation with your credit card and found it difficult to pay. You may break down large purchases into smaller scheduled installments using Plan & Pay, and the discounts can indeed add up.

Use it on any purchase over $200 made with your credit card in the last 30 days, and pay it back over three, six, or twelve months. The interest rate is 0% per annum. Pay an advance fee depending on a percentage of your chosen plan’s buying price (1 percent for 3 months, 2 percent for 6 months, or 4 percent for 12 months).


BankSA Credit Card reward policy

BankSA Credit Card has different benefits and rewards for its customers. The customer can get 100,000 bonus amplify points with the amplify card when he purchases more than 3000$. There are also 60,000 bonus Qantas points for consumers to spend more than 3000$ on Qantas Credit Card.

With New Signature Card, When you spend 12000$ per annum, you can earn 200,000 bonus points. For 6000$ spending on the Qantas signature card, the customers can get up to 90,000 bonus points. These benefits are also added with 0 percent p.a. on balance transfer. Next, you will understand more about safety measures.


Safety measures

The BankSA Credit Card is safe to use anywhere as they have greater security set up. The bank provides the opportunity to lock the card when you see any danger or if you lost it anywhere. The customers can temporarily lock it for 15 days, and if you find it, you may unlock it. Otherwise, you can report it to the Bank SA, and they completely close its function.

Credit Card also provides safety as it gives a repayment offer. This credit card also brings in the services of the cashless card. You can easily withdraw cash when you don’t have a card with this service. BankSA Credit Card has extra security as the bank monitors every transaction very closely.

Any unauthorized transaction claims will be refunded under the BankSA Fraud Money Back Guarantee if the cardholder did not contribute to the loss and alerted us immediately. The fraud protection guarantee of this bank also applies to your transaction for online shopping. The bank keeps your card safe in any online website transactions, and BankSA is safe to transact amounts online or through your credit card.

Bank SA Mobile and Internet Banking

BankSA Credit Card has an effective internet banking system. You can transfer any amount within seconds from your mobile application. BankSA also provides Quick Balance and Card-less cash offers through internet and mobile banking. You can do up to 3 transactions with this card-less cash offer and transact up to 1000$ per week.

You can also pay the amount in installments using the internet banking option. The customers can track their monthly spending details and transaction history for the previous transactions. BankSA is also providing a mobile application that provides ease of amount transfer to its customers. This mobile application is safe to control the whole function of a credit card.

You can transfer amounts and block your credit card from any theft or lost card issue. The individual can enjoy timely notifications for any transactions. You can also use the option of AutoPay. The customers can also transfer amounts through Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Google Pay services.

Credit Card application criteria

The candidate applying for the card must be over 18. The customer needs to submit his full financial summary. The BankSA Credit Card applicant must have an Australian ID or Driving License, Medicare Card, and Passport. The current employment and salary information is also required to apply. You also need to provide your residence details.

The individuals can apply for the card from the website of BankSA. They can also apply by making a call to the bank. The card candidates can also visit any branch to apply for the card. Check out our website, we have many articles about credit cards, you can be informed and make the best decision.

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