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10 Most bizarre stories from NBA

NBA is National Basketball Association that has many professional players. Discover the 10 Most Bizarre Stories from NBA in all tTime.


9. Rose gets a sub to pass ACT (American College Testing)

In 2008, it was uncovered that Derrick Rose had brought somebody to pass his SAT test for him (he failed in ACT multiple times before this). It was all because he wanted to reach Memphis to play for John Calipari. At that point, the NCAA emptied Memphis’ 2007-08 second-place season when the Tigers finished in a losing cause to Kansas in that title game.


This incident was also a very embarrassing moment for NBA fans. Also it was highly weird for the many students sitting at home and watching Rose. Especially because it was a straightforward cheating act. Therefore, many parents began to forbid their children to follow in the athlete’s footsteps.

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